6. Shops, services and related hints on the net:

Gule Sider Norwegian yellow pages with search engine (GOOD) (N)
Forbrukerrådet: Takes care of consumer interests in Norway (N)
Skandiabanken: Internet-banking with high interest and low expenses (N)
Zoom.it: Get the best price in Norway - compare. (N)
QXL: Auctions on the net. Sell & buy stuff. Good. (N)

Boligformidleren: Free ads for renting/finding homes in Norway(N)
Hybel.no: Free ads for renting/finding small homes in Norway(N)
Utleie.no: Free ads for renting/finding homes in Norway. Must register to place ad (easy).(N)
Bolignorge: Free ads for renting/finding homes in Norway. Ad goes on TV! Must register to place ad (Complex). (N)
Hjem til leie: Free ads for renting/finding homes in Norway. Must register to place ad (Complex).(N)

FINN: Excellent on classifieds and jobs in Norway (N)
Shopping.com Excellent on comaring prices in US web-shops (E)
Magnum: great way to get purchases in the US shipped to scandinavia (N + E)
Carpint. Great if you want to buy a car in the USA (E)
ELFA: Electronic component supply. Expensive, but quality supply. Have retail shops (N)

(c) Thomas Høven 2004